Thursday, December 31, 2009

Dec 31, 2009 The last day of the year....

As I think back on this last year, I reflect on all that I have gone through and all that has happened......It's been a wild ride for sure. In some ways, it almost seems unreal, this last year, and in some ways it feels like the most real year of my life. I think of all that I am ready to let go of, and all that I am ready to open myself up to recieving for 2010. I am ready to let go of fear....the fear of having cancer again. The fear of not being good enough. The fear of failure. The fear of not living my dreams and the fear of living them too! We all live with so much fear almost on a daily basis and I don't want to live that life. I am ready to let go of judgement. Judgement of myself and judgement of others. Judgement of whether I am doing the right thing in this moment. Judgement of my body and what I think it SHOULD look like right now. Judgement of my emotions and how I am SUPPOST to feel right now. I let go of judgement of how others as well.

I am ready for a shift in awareness and a shift in living. I am ready to be healthy and to act healthier in my decisions and choices. I am ready to let love in, for myself, for others, and to be loved as well! I am ready to allow my finances to be healthy, my work to be fulfilling, and my life to hold meaning. I am ready to value myself and my decisions and know I have the freedom to be who I really am....and who I am is wonderful and perfect The freedom to inspire myself and others....and to also be inspired by those around me. This year, I allow myself to be fully human and to allow others that gift as well. I allow myself to cry without pride, to laugh without worry, and to empathize without fear.

This is a whole new year, a whole new adventure, a whole new opening and stretching. Welcome 2010!! So glad to meet you!

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