Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sept. 2, 2009

Wow! So much time passes so quickly! It's already Sept., almost Labor Day weekend. I have news about my Oncotype DX test, which is basically a test putting me in a low, mediun, or high catagory for reoccurance of breast cancer! Well, I am thrilled and pleased to say that I came back in the low catagory, which also means that chemotherapy will not benefit me!! Couldn't be happier about this news!!! So, tomorrow I meet with my radiologist and get set up for starting radiation. Once again, I am so blessed. I have more to tell, but I'll be back shortly. That is the big news for now..... take care!!


  1. Best of luck with your treatment. Thinking good thoughts for you.

    For some inspiration, I'd like to invite you to check out this short video -- ahamoment.com/pg/moments/view/6789 -- about one woman's "aha moment" that led her to literally walk around the world to raise funds and awareness of breast cancer issues. It's a remarkable story, and in the end, it's about a lot more than breast cancer. I know you'll enjoy it.


  2. Thank you Jack for sendig me the link on one amazing woman's walk for breast cancer! I did find it very inspiring and uplifting. I think we all have these maginifient journey's and it's so inpsiring for me to read about and hear of other's experiences and journeys, so thank you for sharing that!! Jamie Lish
