Monday, July 13, 2009

July 13, 2009 Monday!

Well, it's Monday, and I'm tired today. Not sure why, I'm in between surgery and starting chemo. I have felt good physically and grounded emotionally. Today I'm taking my great nieces to the river with Jack my dog. Then to the YMCA to work in the pool and then off to the Oncologist. I'm not awake yet.... Taking Xanex to sleep and I don't always wake up alert. I've never been a pill person, but I am now if it helps me sleep, sometimes you gotta do what you need to do.... Going without sleep is a recipe for a meltdown....emotions pile up and then blow! Gotta take Jack for a walk or he'll have a meltdown!!

1 comment:

  1. Jamie, I'm so inspired by your courage to talk and share your battle and journey with breast cancer! Keep it coming.... I'll be there as a fan, a follower and a friend.
    Take care,
