Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Thank God it's Friday! july 15th

Well, it's finally my Friday and what that means for me is this is the last day that I work at my job waiting tables. I relied on the restaraunt business for over 20 years and now I know that I am done. I have only worked about 5 shifts since my first surgery in mid May. Yesterday, I knew it was my last week. I didn't realize how unfulfilled I am at my work, and work without happiness or fulfillment is a HUGE taker of energy. I hopefully get to do some work with kids going through cancer this fall at the YMCA and that makes my heart do flipflops! I know and have been told many times even before cancer, that I would be good doing work like that!

I just know the end when it's here and with waiting tables, it's here!! I'm glad I've had that skill to rely on from time to time, but now I want more!

Tomorrow, I'm going to The Tetons for a short break before I start chemo at the end of this month. I feel like I'm trying to fit a whole summer into 1 month before treatments start. I know it's about the journey not the destination, really I do.... But Iwant to do things when I feel good and I have no ideea how I am going to feel later. Anyway, off to work! Have a beautiful day!!! Everyday is a choice to make it a good one, I choose tomake it awesome!!

1 comment:

  1. Jamie..... another inspiring post from you! I always feel better after reading them and can count my blessings! Happy last day at work! Enjoy your vacation days! I have no doubt you will make the absolute most of each one! You deserve to have all that you wish for! I'll see you at the benefit!
