Friday, July 24, 2009

July 24, 2009 Shopping for Pink!!

Today, my awesome sister took me shopping for pink! A Pink dress for the benefit on Sunday! We had such an awesome time as sisters and I loved every minute of it! I will be very pink on Sunday! I have had a few days to proccess my pain and am in a better space. It helps that my body is also starting to feel better... my emotions and my physical health are very connected.

I read the other day a paragraph written by a women who had gone through cancer and she said there are two roads to take when someone goes through this journey, the first is the road to becoming a better person, to creating a better life, to doing better in life. The second is the road to bitterness. I know that in the begining I chose the first road and I may not always do things right, but I am willing to become better, to work through old emotions, old hurts, old habits. I am willing to get up each day and make the intention to become a better person, to be genuine and honest with my words and actions! I know that sometimes when I tell the truth I am not always as soft as I could be, but I am doing it the best way that I can right now, but I know that I am always willing to do it better and become better...... which is also to say that I am still human.

Somedays I am a little hard on myself for letting myself be angry! But anger is part of being human and without these emotions to tell us where we are in life, we would be robots, feeling nothing and never growing. I know I came here to grow, to learn, to expand and that is a huge part of what this cancer journey is all about! It's also about celebrating life everyday and seeing each moment as a gift. I have a much bigger zest for life than I did before and I am enjoying each day instead of taking it for granted and not making much of it!!

Overall, I am proud of myself for where I am in my life. For my past and for where it has brought me today! I hope to inspire others, but sometimes other's inpsire me, it's a give and take deal! Glad to be a part of it!!!

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